Meet Banzee® and Bubzee
Like every loving Mom, Banzee® dotes on lil’ Bubzee. She has been using her bare hands and body to shield Bubzee from the forest’s blazing sun, intense noise and burning heat. Until she found BANZ®.
As Bubzee kept growing, BANZ® sunglasses, earmuffs and sun hats have expanded to provide the same loving care and lasting protection! “Isn’t that smart?”, says Banzee®. “Yep, also very comfy”, chimes in Bubzee.
Bubzee is often scared by lightning, rain and thunder on stormy nights. But loves them because it’s fun to wear all BANZ® gear at once. When Banzee® screams: "No sunglasses at night! No sun hats in the rain!”, Bubzee just giggles mischievously.
It was Banzee® who taught Bubzee to “See no evil”, “Hear no evil” and “Speak no evil”. Now, BANZ® has shown Bubzee to “See no glare” , “Hear no blare” and “Feel no Flare” .