Hear No Blare - Hearing Safety

What is Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)? How ...
Noise and hearing - children and teenagers The inner ear (cochlea) contains tiny cells that are sensitive to sound (hair cells). These cells convert the vibration of sound into messages...
What is Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)? How ...
Noise and hearing - children and teenagers The inner ear (cochlea) contains tiny cells that are sensitive to sound (hair cells). These cells convert the vibration of sound into messages...

Protecting Young Ears
Should babies and children should wear hearing protection? The answer is: absolutely! Noise that’s potentially damaging to an adult’s ears is even more dangerous to a child’s. And, since hearing...
Protecting Young Ears
Should babies and children should wear hearing protection? The answer is: absolutely! Noise that’s potentially damaging to an adult’s ears is even more dangerous to a child’s. And, since hearing...